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@pop I preferred not to go into that to keep things simple and follow the meme format (

I figure gender is for individuals to define for themselves, and however they want to do that is none of my business (unless they choose to tell me).

My mum would spend hours ironing clothes when I was a kid. I dont think I’ve ever seen an ironing board at any of my friends houses. A whole generation just said “fuck ironing” and we did. Good work everyone.

Folks sometimes point out my comfort with vulnerability, which often feels like it's missing the point

Being queer and coming out taught me that agency is the only way to deal with trauma

Trauma doesn't get better by ignoring or repressing it. And repeated trauma doesn't get worse — *as long as I change how I deal with it*

@hollie I am vaguely aware but choose to take it at face value anyway.

Oh just looking up how butterflies fly so our new fairy headmate can figure out a way to make the physics feel right.

@stefenauris @herbincowgirl
No, it's not pain or trauma that teaches us to be sympathetic or compassionate.

We only recover from trauma when we have support from our community and from other people around us to help us heal. That healing doesn't just "happen", and therapy isn't enough. There's no path for recovering from trauma without other people participating in our healing process.

Some people don't recover from trauma. That's not to say that they never will—but it's not going to happen alone. It was more than 5-10 years before I found the help I needed to recover from some of my experiences.

Trauma didn't give me empathy. Trauma gave me fear, anger, cynicism, and nihilism. It's the people who helped me that supported me in growing my understanding and compassion and patience, and turned me from cynicism toward hopeful curiosity.

So a poll I've seen boosted around is showing that of about 5.5k fedi users polled a good 42% use Linux.

So that made me curious.

Distro families! Which do you primarily use?

Please boost for reach, am very curious.

#Linux #poll

Why are autistic people so cool and relatable wtf


A question and poll for my fellow autistics. Please boost to expand reach.

In Temple Grandin's book, Thinking In Pictures, she describes her development of her compression machine or a hug box, which she used to self administer deep compression therapy and it helped to calm her.

But I'm wondering if any autistics in the fediverse have ever tried wearing corsets, because it seems to me that some of us might find they provide therapeutic stimulation.

Have you worn a corset?

@Crell I've had "Full public profile" turned off for a long time because as I understood it, the creators you support have always defaulted to public.

There's a phenomenon with internet arguments that I think of as "eternal crossfire" where everybody talks about what they've experienced directly as though that is the one and only thing that is happening everywhere, and any attempt to clarify that it's not the entire story is seen as an attack. And every single side involved in the argument does the same thing, making the conflict impossible to deesecalate. Bad actors love this shit. They can just set off explosives on every side and watch them destroy each other.

streaming More Klonoa. I looked up a walkthrough for the screen where I got stuck last time.

The best use of lucid dreaming is not having to wait to tell your friends they were in your dream, you can do that as it happens!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!