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@recursive Dunno, first I've heard of it. But security is the primary reason I hear why people "should" use ad blockers - for most users the vast majority of attacks through the web (both malware and scams) will come in through ad networks.

Autistic peer-to-peer information transfer is highly effective:

"... information transfer between autistic people may be more successful than information transfer between an autistic and a non-autistic person. ... autistic people effectively share information with each other. Information transfer selectively degrades more quickly in mixed pairs, in parallel with a reduction in rapport."

@Frances_Larina @magicalgrrrl @actuallyautistic And I think the way that happened for me was by pursuing specific interests that bring in both kinds of folks. But since that depends on what your particular interests are, it doesn't really work as advice. -Cole

@Frances_Larina @magicalgrrrl @actuallyautistic This might explain a lot about why my experiences of queer communities so often differ from others I hear about. I think I tend to end up in communities where ND folks and queer folks congregate, even though they're not necessarily explicitly either. -Cole

@magicalgrrrl @actuallyautistic

It's been my experience that I am mostly welcome in the corners of the queer world that are ND. The rest of it seems very NT oriented & centric. That's okay, it just mimics the straight world. But it's important to keep in mind when seeking out friendships.

@Frances_Larina @magicalgrrrl @actuallyautistic And I think the way that happened for me was by pursuing specific interests that bring in both kinds of folks. But since that depends on what your particular interests are, it doesn't really work as advice. -Cole

@Frances_Larina @magicalgrrrl @actuallyautistic This might explain a lot about why my experiences of queer communities so often differ from others I hear about. I think I tend to end up in communities where ND folks and queer folks congregate, even though they're not necessarily explicitly either. -Cole

sudden thought: are synesthesia (crossover of stimulus, "seeing" music and "hearing" colors) and aphantasia (inability to visualize images) mutually exclusive? please boost for reach!

do you have:

@parvXtl @b0rk The merge base is the most recent commit that's in the history of the commits you're merging together. You can think of it as the point where the history first diverged. is a good illustration of why it's useful to be able to see it (it's labeled "original" there).

@b0rk I hadn't put this together until seeing that screenshot: the GUI tools always show you the merge base, whereas git defaults to not showing the merge base when you manually edit files (but that can be changed in the config). That makes me wonder if there are people who prefer the GUI because they can see the merge base, but would prefer text if they knew about that setting.

@hollie We don't use that one very often, if we do it means we are feeling some strong emotions, of a definitely positive and probably affectionate nature.

I knew the Dunning-Kruger effect wasn't valid, but thanks to this post I finally understand why: "The Dunning-Kruger Effect is Autocorrelation"

Poverty shouldn't exist. For anyone. Ever. Too often I hear 'No one with a job should live in poverty.' True. But let's go further. No one should live in poverty, job or not. Jobs should be a ticket to more than just survival.

Think thriving, not surviving; buying fun, not life.

streaming Continuing my ALTTP door rando seed from forever ago. In which I took no notes so I now have to work out where I am from scratch.

I'll be taking notes this time.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!