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me: hmm let’s have a look, which library should i use?

library A: it’s 1c1h. one c file, one header file

library B: to build this repo you need to install GluoOn, a fork of MoonOn, a build system based on the Ploob ecosystem. Edit the Ploob intermediates for your platform and include them in the XJAMELLE files. XJAMELLE is a post-Turing-complete configuration solution based on JSON, YAML and XML. To get familiar with the language, i recommend these books: note that these are affiliate links,

Why is anyone ever made to feel like not meeting some external standard is a failing?

We’re not failing, society is failing us!

I’m made of flesh and it’s a huge fucking mess, of course I can’t perform the same as your idealised version of some other arbitrary mess of flesh. You only idealised THAT mess because it was useful to you! Let me chill and watch the trees, I’m not going to make a phone call today!

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Our university deployed a mail filter that rewrites URLs in emails to redirect them via a service that checks for bad websites. Somebody clever worked out that PGP-signed emails are exempt from the rewrite rule, so now people are starting their emails with "BEGIN PGP MESSAGE" even though they haven't used PGP at all, just to fool the filter 😂

Anybody sending malware links has probably also worked out that trick by now, thereby rendering the entire filter pointless

@28of47 I just realized this is an audio equivalent of the thing I can sometimes do with vision where I can look at a tree and actually see every branch.

For my birthday, I'd really like it if my beloved fedi could spread word far and wide of Kitsune Tails. It's a platformer with a heartwarming story featuring queer main characters and personal discoveries in classic SMB3 style. You can find trailer, screenshots, and wishlist links here:

It's coming out this year and the team and I have been working hard on it for several years now. Most of the team is queer in some form so by boosting you'd not only be making me happy on my birthday, but supporting a bunch of queer creators making queer art as well

What gender are you?

@yhancik @darius The old thinking was that you should be rotating your gender every 90 days for security reasons but that’s proven to be an ineffective approach. Modern best practices are to use a unique and complex gender for every interaction, to avoid repetition and store them in a secure gender manager. This makes it easier to change genders when one relationship is compromised, and protects you against gender-stuffing attacks.

kink, identity theft // 

@lioness From what we've heard, it happens to singlets too. -Sid

kink, identity theft // 

@lioness This kinda thing happens behind the scenes a lot in our system, we think. Identities are distinct from substance, and sometimes the mapping of substance to identity shifts and that's a good thing. -Sid

Stopping your robot girlfriend from going to work in a neon orange fur coat and striped bell-bottoms (her internal clock reset and she thinks it's January 1st 1970)

Quantity euphoria from using the word "myselves" in a sentence.

28 days from installing a new Linux distro to removing bash-completion because it broke something.

Pro tip: If you wouldn't go to someone for advice, don't take their criticism either.

Did you know that porn addiction isn't a thing?

"If the concept of pornography addiction were true, then porn-related problems would go up, regardless of morality, as porn use goes up. But the researchers didn’t find that. In fact, they cite numerous studies showing that even feeling like you struggle to control your porn use doesn’t actually predict more porn use. What that means is that the people who report great anguish over controlling their porn use aren’t actually using more porn; they just feel worse about it.

Having moral conflict over your porn use (PPMI) does turn out to be bad for you. But that's not because of the porn. Instead, higher levels of moral conflict over porn use predict higher levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and diminished sexual well-being, as well as religious and spiritual struggles. In one study by Perry and Whitehead, pornography use predicted depression over a period of six years, but only in men who disapproved of porn use. Continuing to use porn when you believe that it is bad is harmful. Believing that you are addicted to porn and telling yourself that you're unable to control your porn use hurts your well-being. It's not the porn, but the unresolved, unexamined moral conflict."

TL;DR: Porn addiction isn't a thing, and if you feel harmed by it, you can get help but you're not addicted to porn, you just have something else going on.

Enjoy being horny and enjoying yourself, just know that porn isn't inherently evil and corrupting like heroin.

@Sophie Apparently we do the allistic thing in this case. But I think for us it's just novelty-seeking? -iore

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!