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Thoughts about writing my own mastodon client... 

@m If it's just mastodon, then a list of the really important ones should be good for the small group, at least?

Thoughts about writing my own mastodon client... 

@m I've thought about something like that priority list (dip into lower priority lists when one is exhausted), but I ended up just making a chronological feed that keeps my place and is finite. Happier for it. I think maybe "infinite social media" is just not a good idea in practice?

Welcome to new people joining from 𝕏!

Remember, posts are called toots here, likes are called florps, retweeting is technically a cross-account posting exploit that they can't fix because we're using it, and our version of Grok is called Garfiald.

There's no algorithm here! Literally none. There is no computer code behind Mastodon. Each http response is typed out by hand by your server admin in real time. Sometimes this means you won't see replies from other servers, but that's ok, other servers are full of losers anyway.

People here make a point of using alt text — if you can't find an image you want to post, just post a picture of your cat and describe the correct image in the alt text. Nobody will notice, or at least nobody will mind.

The first thing you should do is make a pinned toot with your pronouns, political affiliation, and favourite Linux distribution. Cisgender people are welcome on Mastodon but aren't officially supported, so some features may not work properly.

But most importantly, have fun! Users found to be not having fun will be given a written warning in the first instance and banned if the behaviour continues.

Apple added a feature called "inactivity reboot" in iOS 18.1. This is implemented in keybagd and the AppleSEPKeyStore kernel extension. It seems to have nothing to do with phone/wireless network state. Keystore is used when unlocking the device. So if you don't unlock your iPhone for a while... it will reboot!

In the news: "Police Freak Out at iPhones Mysteriously Rebooting Themselves, Locking Cops Out"

iOS version diffs to see yourself:

uspol, gender markers & passport safety // 

I'm seeing a lot of messaging like "get a passport with your correct gender while you still can"

and, up front, I have no idea what trying to transition in a foreign country is like or if it matters what the gender marker on your country of origin is if you don't live there any more

but it seems to me that if you are looking at a passport as part of an emergency escape plan to escape gender identification related violence, you want your gender to be as difficult to identify as possible.

"give me the names and addresses of everyone who's ever changed gender markers on their driver's license / passport" already happened in Texas (and maybe Ohio?). it's a trivial database query to write.

I just don't think this is a great time to put "fyi I'm trans" into the government's files on you.

@lioness It's unlisted. 404 if I click the link, but it loads if I paste the link into the search box on my instance.

@joan @lioness I'm not on that instance, and I can't think of any way it could determine if I had followed from an account on a different instance.

@12 I wish I could cuddle more of my friends and casual acquaintances. -Esme

mn/st paul politics 

No on city questions. Both seem questionable (unsure that vouchers for childcare make sense as a solution, or what effect lining up other races with US presidential elections would actually have).

Incumbent for all judge races except Paul Yang.

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mn/st paul politics 

As is my tradition, looked up my sample ballot the Sunday before election day. Currently likely to:

Vote DFL in all the partisan races. Just not seeing other candidates I can support.

Yes on constitutional question. I gather it's renewing a fund that exists already and is used to do important work, though I'm not a fan of lotteries.

How a misinterpretation of a BMJ publication from 1996 caused (and yes, I do mean caused) the explosion in rates of peanut allergy.

In a nutshell: for decades the guidance issued in the USA and UK was the opposite of what it should have been and left a generation with preventable, life-threatening allergies.


It's weird to me that now people reassure with "it's not covid" as if being sick and spreading other communicable diseases is actually fine.

@sota767 Maybe next time I'm asked about dietary requirements I should be like PLEASE WHOLE GRAINS.

@sota767 The thing I worry about with this isn't weight, it's digestion and blood sugar. I had to make dietary changes to regulate those things and they're just being steamrolled right now.

If you tell the story of the burnt ballot boxes in Portland and Vancouver this week (an important story that warrants attention), also tell how good fire-suppressant design saved all but three ballots in the Portland box, and the efforts of the election workers who contacted those three voters and arranged for replacement ballots.

Things are scary and bad, and often literally on fire. But there are good people and good systems too. Making us forget that is always a win for the worst ones.

Annoying edge cases: non-binary person who identifies as binary.
Not as a binary gender, but as having the gender "binary". Like the gender options are "man", "woman", and "binary".

0 uses 0/1 neopronouns, of course. 0 says 1s never been happier with this gender and pronoun choice, it really works for 1.

@mcc That is very inconvenient for the admittedly weird way I want to develop for it, which is to dump posts into a static html file chronologically sorted with posts from other places and not think about any interaction beyond that.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!