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PSA: If you don't have ADHD, you may be unaware how many of us keep going on & off our meds right now due to med shortages. It's not just Adderall anymore, there's no Concerta or Ritalin to be had either.

So please be patient with your scatterbrained coworkers and friends; we're trying. :) #ADHD

I feel like we should be asking, what "accommodations" do neurotypicals commonly get that aren't recognized as such? Example: I think waiting rooms have music (or other noise) because neurotypicals are put off by silence.

So OpenAI just released a detector of AI-generated text, I assume because of concerns in education / homework.

Maybe this is good?

No, it's very bad.

They claim 26% true positives, 9% false positives. Assume 10% of submitted homework is chatgpt generated, you get the classic counterintuitive outcome of poor predictive power: if a homework is flagged, there's a 3:1 chance it's *human* generated.

This is going to cause a lot of harm. It should be immediately recalled.

@dolari It also gives us one of the greatest out of context images of all times.

ever think of the songs we’re missing out of because no one will sing about open relationships or polyamory

I activated my Facebook to reconnect with old friends after disappearing for years and my god that is the saddest website. The vibe is like those rows of old folks playing slot machines.

I’ve started muting people who use asterisks in place of letters in certain words in order to get past filters.

(Most often these words are the names of public figures or companies. This is completely unnecessary. Just be specific and let our filters do their work.)


I think maybe the migration feature doesn't add the new account to the lists the old account was on.

little-known fact, but PHP is actually short for "please headpat". because the programmers who have to deal with the language need it

I think when I posted this last night, I was thinking about how so many arguments over complex issues reduce to “_____ may kill a lot of people, but it also _____, so it’s impossible to say if it’s good or not”.

it provides a wild amount of clarity.

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#Podcast friends! If you interview people involved in audio drama podcasts and have an open slot in March-April for me to come on and talk about @JumpLeadsScifi (launching in the Spring!) please reach out. I have a couple of appearances booked, I'd love to book some more!

For those trans folk out there who are straight/hetero, I'm curious, do you view your orientation as a queer experience?

Please boost so I can find those other straight trans folk out there.

I'm not asking about being queer as an aspect of being trans, but rather, whether you view your orientation itself as queer.

For me, I view my orientation as inherently queer, but I get the feeling I'm very much the minority in that.

#trans #transgender #orientation #poll #queer #QueerIdentity

plurality (~) 

Now that we have a "regular hosting schedule", we noticed some "lag" in switching to the headmate that handles our job when we work from home. We wonder if physical transitions make it easier to switch, and if this has anything to do with people generally having trouble with not having a separate space for work.

what's fun about all the coding AI hype is that even if I'm wrong in thinking it's mostly hype, I still win because I'm way better at debugging than coding. so computers will still suck at debugging and people will get worse at understanding, leaving those of us who are good at debugging in a favorable position

spirituality, mh, plurality (+) 

I started attending Quaker meetings recently, and I'm attending an "Intro to Quakerism" class, and it made me realize just how much my spirituality has *directly* helped my mental health throughout my life and now as I adapt to plurality. So many times, the inner light has guided my mind to making the changes that it needs to be healthy, and to healing and repair. Worshiping regularly, and now discussing it with other attending Quakers, has really made that clear.

Tidbits from therapy:

… the difference it makes having a neurodivergent therapist is unmeasurable.

Yesterday she said to me, after I said that “I overthink everything” …

“Don’t you think that maybe people telling us not to overthink things are being ableist? This is how your brain processes the world.”

Woah. #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #Autistic #ActuallyAutistic @autisticadvocacy

Folks, the more dire the legislation gets, the more it needs a CW.

I know its important. And vital. This is why it needs a CW.

Thank you,
A trans citizen of both the US and the UK (all of this is killing me. My mental health is turning to shit. Please use a fucking CW. Throwing out this shit on to the timeline without a CW is collaborating. Dont at me.)

Finally figured out how to succinctly describe what’s gone wrong with Google Search: They focused so hard on figuring out the *one* single most relevant thing to your query that it just tries to find *that* thing, to the exclusion of anything else.

If you’re lucky, your results will be: (1) ad, (2) thing you want, (3) basically a copy of the thing you want, (4) another copy, etc.

You can’t easily find all the possibilities for a category. So you can’t use it to really explore a topic in breadth anymore. You can’t find variations on a theme.

It’s like if you asked the server at a restaurant for the menu, and instead of giving you one with all the options, they instead look you over, decide you want a hamburger, and when you ask for options just give you the same hamburger with slight tweaks.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!