When the invasion from the fourth dimension came, it had unexpected benefits. The new overlords were surprisingly mild. They only wanted the Earth for Qling, a substance we neither understood nor needed. They filled enormous eye-warping four dimensional tankers with a cargo we couldn’t even perceive, then left us in peace. A few stayed, having found human friends and even lovers.
My neighbour is one such. We met when xe returned my lost cat. “I don’t know how she keeps getting out”, I said, “all the doors and windows are shut”.
“What about that gap there?”
“Oh of course, it’s invisible in three dimensions. Here let me close it up.”
The cat is still furious about this.
https://twitch.tv/madewokherd Continuing the attempts to get better at playing BIT.TRIP Runner with my feet. Also updated the spaced repetition system to choose pars more aggressively and lower cooldowns when I repeatedly fail.
https://twitch.tv/madewokherd Chill puzzle time! At least I hope so. Trying out Inhabit.
@hellomiakoda @punishmenthurts @haui @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic my intuition is that a lot of NT "communication" comes down to both people nodding in agreement about something but if you ask them seperately they actually don't even agree.
We are bad at communicating because they follow rules that make things easier for them, not more accurate or precise, just easier for them.
By insisting on the necessary relevance of the specific information you fail the NT nod along test, you make it "difficult" by refusing to make collective the sense of ease the primary goal.
That's why we are so "difficult" maybe idk
"Drop" is probably the most useful concept that I don't think is widely understood outside the kink community but applies to SO MUCH STUFF in everyday life.
Drop is the shitty feeling you get after an intense experience (including an intense positive experience). It's sometimes immediate, but sometimes the day after or some other time. "Post-con depression" is a form of drop. In the kink community, we try really hard to stop drop from happening with aftercare, but outside of the scene you don't often get the chance to build in aftercare to intense experiences.
Different people find different things helpful for dealing with it. Rest is generally good, as is doing things you like, sugary foods, and recognising that you are in drop and not putting too much pressure on yourself.
allowing yourself to do what you need to get through drop is crucial (imo) to allowing positive experiences to stay positive, and to deal with the emotional effects of negative ones.
More examples of deep-rooted Great Plains native plants.
See that ridiculous scribble of barely-there roots on the very left? that's the grass they've been replaced with.
via @pzmyers 's blog https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2023/11/25/toughness/
Autistic peer-to-peer information transfer is highly effective:
"... information transfer between autistic people may be more successful than information transfer between an autistic and a non-autistic person. ... autistic people effectively share information with each other. Information transfer selectively degrades more quickly in mixed pairs, in parallel with a reduction in rapport."
@Frances_Larina @magicalgrrrl @actuallyautistic And I think the way that happened for me was by pursuing specific interests that bring in both kinds of folks. But since that depends on what your particular interests are, it doesn't really work as advice. -Cole
@Frances_Larina @magicalgrrrl @actuallyautistic This might explain a lot about why my experiences of queer communities so often differ from others I hear about. I think I tend to end up in communities where ND folks and queer folks congregate, even though they're not necessarily explicitly either. -Cole
@magicalgrrrl @actuallyautistic
It's been my experience that I am mostly welcome in the corners of the queer world that are ND. The rest of it seems very NT oriented & centric. That's okay, it just mimics the straight world. But it's important to keep in mind when seeking out friendships.
https://twitch.tv/madewokherd Playing BIT.TRIP Runner still.
Chrome’s next weapon in the War on Ad Blockers: Slower extension updates
When ad blocking is a cat-and-mouse game, make the mouse slower.
https://twitch.tv/madewokherd Continuing with BIT.TRIP Runner.
Baldur’s Gate 3 bug caused by game’s endless mulling of evil deeds
"Unnoticed and eternally-active acts of theft and violence" to be fixed soon.
Study finds no “smoking gun” for mental health issues due to Internet usage
“The best data... suggests that there is not a global link between these factors,.
I knew the Dunning-Kruger effect wasn't valid, but thanks to this post I finally understand why: "The Dunning-Kruger Effect is Autocorrelation"