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I've glimpsed this for most of my life, but I didn't understand why most people are missing it. You really do have to love everyone, including those who cause more suffering than you could fathom, including parts of yourself that hurt you, or that you're ashamed of. There can be no room for hate. You can call no one a sinner. The world will fling shame at you, and you must not let it touch you. They'll tell you that some are not deserving of love, and you must not believe them.

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There's a kind of power that comes from loving everyone, no exceptions. It's power to change yourself. To see clearly what's important. To know that everything really will be OK, even if the worst happens, while still caring about the suffering that is there, still wanting to live and make things better.

The year is 2042. You log in to work in the morning. Your various Zoom vtuber clones have attended five simultaneous daily stand-up meetings. You can't really tell if the notes they took mean anything, but probably not - no human has been to any of these meetings in years. Probably safe to disregard them.

You work for a publishing house, so you received fifteen thousand scripts for novels overnight. Your Outlook assistant claims all of them were AI-generated, so you delete them unread. No real way to know.

You order food from a delivery service. Doesn't really matter what or where, the pictures and descriptions are all AI-generated and the food is drop-shipped from a ghost kitchen somewhere. Half of them claim to be McDonalds, but what you get is a sticky pizza bagel.

Outside, the Nasdaq reaches an all-time height.

A friend just pointed out:

"ADHD creates impulse control issues and, consequently, advertising takes advantage of a disability.  Ergo, ad blockers are assistive devices and interfering with their operation for commercial gain constitutes a willful violation of the ADA."

Let’s do this.

Hey so my financial situation is starting to be 🚨...

if you could throw something at my ko-fi or patreon it would be a HUGE help ❤

kink, productivity 

Writing and tracking a todo list is way easier when it's so your domme knows when she can mess with you without interfering with things you need to get done.

Personal desktop very broken by upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04. I think I'm just going to install Manjaro.

This short video is brilliant for revealing stigma

"This is what stigma around autism sounds like to an autistic person"
#ActuallyAutistic #audhd

Made an alias for git push --force-with-lease so I could get used to using it, despite thinking it wasn't needed if you're the only one pushing to a repo. Well, it saved me from accidentally rebasing and trying to push a stale revision of a merge request (from working on it in multiple locations and forgetting to fetch).

hey friends, I am looking for a new (cheaper) place to live for September. I'm thinking the "big house with a bunch of queers" route is the way to go. does anybody know anybody looking to fill a room or put a group together? I prefer to stay in Somerville but it's not a dealbreaker

It's wild that you can just do anything. Date the wrong person, choose the wrong career. You can go outside and start eating dirt if you want, and the universe lets you. Not even a pop up like "Are you sure?"

people accuse trans folks of being immature, with zero consideration of the fact that they denied us our childhoods, our adolescences, our young adulthoods, our adult achievements

they made us wait, putting another person in our place to do these things

and then, when they finally say "fine, yes, we see you"

they expect us to come into the world fully formed without any of those moments

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!