Do you have some advice for me, webdev people in my timeline?
I didn’t study CS. I taught myself HTML/CSS for fun as teen, studied humanities and accidentally stumbled into a wordpress-based job 15 years later, left, learned JS, did a questionable MERN bootcamp and am now mostly working in TS/React in my current company.
Now I sometimes feel like I can learn new technologies okay-ish, but that I am missing two things, any advice how to improve there?
1. The gut feeling for „now you know enough about technology X to start learning Y“. Because there is always more to learn and I am never sure that I am ready for the next thing yet. But JS/TS/React… I am not sure this topic can be „completed“. Even though one can surely become an expert but idk, I don’t intend to become a single-topic-react-wizard. But I also don’t want to confuse myself with juggling too many technologies at once. When do you move to the next thing?
@njan I have to admit these are exactly the questions that drove me to a late CS Study 😅 - and it helped a lot. Especially the theoretical basics, Data Structures, Design Patterns, High Languages. I did not change my professional field very much but the knowledge from the university gave me a lot of confidence. I do not say go back to school but yes, learning more than just how to use the technology can be helpful.