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the pay is great and the problems are interesting to solve, so keep trying friend, you'd make a great software developer!


burn to the ground this fucking tech industry and the patriarchy of billionare manchildren it feeds by grinding our very identities into paste seasoned with the sweat of ever more exploited labor

"ambivalence" is inadequate -- it feels like whiplash to think both of these true things at once

wer hat über ne Stunde am Rechner rumgeinterdingst und dasTelefon via USB geladen ... und nicht mitbekommen, dass der Tether-Hotspot am Telefon aktiviert wurde? 😩 tolle Wurst!

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*bow* #mastodon, have my #introduction.

laufmoos - living, loving, losing, and loitering in Hamburg, Germany.

Wears black.

Pronouns: he, they.

Toots may contain gluten- and lactose-free traces of queer politics, trans* ramblings, artistic wanderings, and random failures of my life and me living it.

#Sex positive and perverted as fuck. Sometimes #nsfw, but I'll tag it.

Cyborg, and cyborg lover. Which includes androids. Which very much includes #Data. Now you know my weakness. nachdem ich heute bereits vergessen habe, sowohl die double-Werte aus der Java Hausaufgabe als auch meinen Double Espresso zu fotografieren, hier dann jetzt: die Zeit der konstanten Decke um die Beine ist angebrochen.

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brazilpol, request for help for friends that need it 

This is a long shot, but if anyone here knows how to seek expedited immigration or asylum from Brazil into the EU, that information is urgently needed by friends of mine.

Capsule version: they have credible fear or persecution and harm under Bolsonaro, and any information that can get them out of harms way as they try to flee would be incredibly valuable right now.

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hey im new to this site and to mastodon in general what should I say I’m 36 living in Germany and New in Berlin I am an agender femme trans and on t since last Monday I’m an artist musician activist with physical disability and cptsd and happy to connect to new ppl I like drawing loom knitting anime fantasy other cultures queerfeminism making music there’s just soooo much

dr who, mild spoiler 

I know I know, very late to the Party! aber wie fashionable ist bitte die Doctor? 😍

studying computer science success 

war ne gruppenarbeit. aber ich hab überraschenderweise den bonus-mathebeweis rausgefunden

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studying computer science success 

wer hat in der scheiß schweren, tausend Mathedinge enthaltenden Prüfungsvorleistung 44 von 40+5 Punkte bekommen?!

😍 "People from underrepresented groups in tech who create awesome programming resources" ->

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!