reminder: the four most powerful mobile CPUs in the world are made by and for apple's exclusive usage in their phones

if you want the world's most advanced mobile CPU you're stuck with The World's Most Advanced Mobile Operating System

reminder: other phones did the notch before the iphone and they were rightfully laughed at. then the iphone did it and it became widely popular

reminder: everybody knows that apple intentionally slows down their old phones to coincide with the release of the newer ones. they even admitted it:

nothing happened, they didn't stop doing it, but they *did* offer a $29 battery replacement for affected phones c:

reminder: apple was the first important company with the courage to drop the headphone jack. now that they've done it, everyone is doing it, and this >200 year old standard is dying thanks to them

reminder: if you try to screenshot a movie purchased with itunes on a macOS or iOS device, it won't work. this is presumably to prevent you from taking 24 screenshots per second and stitching them back together into the full movie, because why else would you prevent people from doing this

reminder: it's against the EULA to install macOS on "non-Apple branded hardware". this means that if you want to test your mac app on a mac, you have no choice but to buy a new laptop or computer

reminder: apple surpassed $1,000,000,000,000 in value about half a year ago. that's one trillion dollars.

@lynnesbian Imagine having 17% of the world's total population in *actively used* products (in other words, there are even more, but these are just the ones that are in use regularly)

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