image of big dog 

Friends of mine have a very big and fluffy dog <3 It is also the most naive dog I have ever seen. I love him 😍

image of big dog 

@pandanouk awwww, it is huge and fluffy and I would hug it! *-*

btw, sadly, to hide an image, you still have to mark it nsfw seperately. the cw function doesn't include that yet. (but hopefully soon

@maunzikation thanks for the heads up, trying to figure out this app is haaard~ (I'm using subway tooter)

@pandanouk oh I haven't tried that one yet :) yes, figuring these things out is hard, i totally agree :o

@maunzikation I like the simple design, all buttons are very big, it's white and grey so kinda easy on the eyes

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!