A quick survey!

- What brought you to Mastodon?
- Do/did you contribute to Mastodon's development, and if so, how?
- Are you an instance admin, and if so, what's it like?
- What is it about Mastodon that was appealing to you compared to other services?

@creatrixtiara (I'm nb)

1. someone on birbsite kept advertising it. at first I was like "I don't want to get used to a new thing, also is this like when we all made Quitter accs that we didn't use?" but then I tried it
2. no (I sometimes comment on issues and I regularly put a thumbs up emoji on the ones i like… uh.)
3. no.
4. first "I like being part of new shit that won't last, let's have a look", then the nerdy queerness, absence of birbsite structural bs, post visibility levels

@creatrixtiara okay, addition to 4: I fell in love with the cybre diy tech feel. The creative URLs + being kind of insular, yet connected.

Also: That admins can block instances. That I can choose an instance that suits me, CoC-wise.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!