The Burning Page (Invisible Library 3), trans stuff 

So, Li Ming is officially what humans would see as a trans guy (except in dragon, obvs). Nice (except for the whole "the only person one could see is trans is a dragon" thing)! But now… male dragons to the father's court, female dragons to the mother's court… srsly? I thought you just said that a dragon's gender is what they say it is? Can baby dragons already discuss these matters? And what happens to the nonbinary dragons? I'm not convinced.

The Burning Page (Invisible Library 3), queer stuff, caps 


The Burning Page (Invisible Library 3), queer stuff 

You can't just do the whole "dragons are so evolved, they even accept self definition of gender" thing and then expect me to forget about it the moment the focus shifts from that one example character to dragon customs in general

The Burning Page (Invisible Library 3), queer stuff 

Of course, maybe royal dragons are the only ones who raise their young by cissexist standards? They're kind of too important to be as cool as everyone else?

The Burning Page (Invisible Library 3), queer stuff 

Yeah maybe Kai's awkwardness around Kai's family & Kai being so insistent about dragons being cool about gender is really just because Kai is totally not a guy, but was brought up in the only cissexist part of dragon society and is super bitter about that and doesn't know how to handle the conflicting sets of rules?

…at least that's how I'm going to headcanon it

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