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Okay well, I just almost cried in the subway because of some cute solarpunk story about young queer girls and their lizards

Solarpunk Press: "Riley Marigold and the Winged Lizards of Tel Aviv" by Kayla Bashe

yes "Why is BamboozleCat cuddling the snek" is totally what the snek language tutorial used in their example leave me alone

There is so much going on in this. Do I like the hair & clothes, the cybre surfing situation or the smol robot dog the most? I can't decide.

Anti trans 

Well fuck you too, youtube recommendations 😾 ("Tumblr's nonbinary special snowflakes cringe compilation")

Visiting my parents. Not everything about that is pretty, but the cacti in the small windows of the renovated old farm house they live in definitely are.

Yes, it's the middle of July and I'm just starting my monthly page, gracefully, with no scribbling over mistakes at all.

Oh no, I reached the end of the free content, but I would reeeeeally like to learn to say "I am a cat", "My name is Dragon Cat" and "A dragon is not a fish" 🙀

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Ok I have no idea if this is going to be any good, but I got this app for learning Chinese (which isn't really my plan right now but okay, when do I ever do things that are my plan) and it is so cute!! It has a cat that finds some kind of creature?

oh okay, mastty is both pretty and very usable. (only the font size when writing a toot is uncomfortably smol.)

(still, I think I'm actually just really happy with Tusky.)

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"Muggling is hard"
That sentence really speaks to me.

(From Of Leaves And Stars by LadyAmina and irrationalmoony)

Day 2
It's only a matter of time until the fidget spinner falls into my tea and/or knocks things off the table, but this is life, my dear 🐘🐩, this is life.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!