I finished "My lesbian experience with loneliness" and it is actually really really good (the only things that I didn't like were the cissexist descriptions of bodies, and the idea that in the end, trying will be enough to be happy). A lot of it felt super relatable to me. A huge part of it is about mental health, so CN for depression, eating disorders, self harm, and other stuff.

(Picture of cover hidden because naked people)


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This is all very relatable

"The experience was like running up to the massive wall that stood between other people and me" [smol person standing in front of a massive, massive wall]

(It's from "My lesbian experience with loneliness" by Nagata Kabi)


Crowdfunding für die Produktionskosten eines niederschwelligen Buchs über Be_Hinderung und Anti-/Ableismus von @MikaMurstein:

(ohai, ich hab gar nicht gewusst, dass du auf Mastodon bist :)


"How could he wrestle his emotions under control so fast? Henry still wanted to run and scream and eat a dozen bowls of noodles."

Viral Airwaves is being very relatable. computerfairi.es/media/bUApnin

My favourite thing I ever found there is this pin, "I'm living an 'and' life in an 'either/or' world".

(Bonus: It's in the current genderqueer pride colours, probably like 15 years before Marilyn Roxie came up with the flag we all know.) computerfairi.es/media/nEYr6ws

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Omg, I found some old but pretty fancy mp3 player and now I'm excited but not sure what to do with it. computerfairi.es/media/j3oRPWD

Codecademy is so rude, omg. No, Codecademy, I am not there anymore, you bored me to death by trying to teach me "not" and not letting me skip it. There's so much that I have to learn, and that I'd love to "get back to coding" for, but yeah no not that. computerfairi.es/media/AQiN_Nm

maunzikation - Whaaaat, Robots Need Love Too automatically selected German as the language I want to play in (._.) AND the German translation only has she and he as pronouns? Noooooo :< computerfairi.es/media/vtECCe1

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I saw such a real life cybre today

I think this display is meant for advertisement, but instead there's just Firefox looming over everything, huge

This OFTV episode that I'm listening to right now is super interesting, it's about trans sex workers & their structures in 1980s Vancouver:

One From the Vaults: OFTV 2: The Golden Age Of Hustlers

Also, sharing links directly from my podcast app feels weird, but I'm lazy, so whatever.

Oh yeah, that would explain why it feels unbelievably warm today. 37°C o.O usually 33 is already really really warm for here. computerfairi.es/media/KGpWrKH

Ah, I never before noticed that you can see all the nice blinking lights from there m)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!