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@Jessiscah Oh, and G.L.O.S.S.! And I think The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die also has a trans person in it? m)

@Jessiscah Hmmm… ANOHNI, Ezra Furman, Virtual Intelligence, Rae Spoon, Tunde Olaniran, Mal Blum, FaulenzA, Told Slant *might remember more later*

Level of lazyness: I deactivated Privacy Badger for a moment so that Goodreads would automatically sign me back in via Facebook

you are allowed to judge the cat but pleas let sleep, it is well aware of being a problematic cat on many levels

@Firstaide another one that I've seen is (but 2 out of a whole fediverse is still not a lot.)

Are you queer or gender nonconforming? We need your help!

My little sister is a high school teacher who's looking for queer & gender non-conforming students to answer a few questions about how she can best support them in the classroom!

If you have a moment, please fill out her form here:

Please boost this! Thank you! ♥️

@cassolotl @not_on_pizza I documented that here!

The short version is that the rules about sexualized content went from a single line in the CoC, to about 4 paragraphs that I wrote with @thetinkerfae's help. The intent of the CoC change was specifically to make sex workers more comfortable

Okay now this is stuck in my head (the "not gay as in happy – but queer as in fuck you" part)

via birbsite

Yes I totally agree, we all know THOSE vegetarians slash space aliens.

("An interesting vegetarian often makes for a shittier space alien")

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D'awwwww okay that is actually cute

(A dog pushing 3 cats in a small cart, the text is "You're perfect as you are. Learn to be yourself.")

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("First they take away our capability to deceive randomness, then they take away our capability to enjoy the all-seeing eye.")

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Ah yes, truly inspirational 🐈

(Picture of a fly agaric with the text "Don't forget that you're sad and don't forget to try to be yourself.")

by via

*tries to be their sad self*

Oh, also, does anyone know if there is anything besides LineageOS that I should have a look at? I'm really not following these things enough.

I had Resurrection Remix on my old phone, but mainly because CyanogenMod didn't work well on it towards the end.

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Ok I had some slim hopes of my phone still getting a Nougat update this month, because there were vague promises, but I guess I'll just have to get Lineage or smth… now I feel silly for waiting so long for an official thing that would have been crappy anyway.

Also, I've had a brief look at some instructions, and Doing Stuff with my current phone seems to be way more finicky than with my old phone? :s I'm not looking forward to this. /o\

@cnc basically what @Curator said. We are here (several of us are at, framapiaf and, many more are scattered across the fediverse) in addition there're hubs elsewhere like @patdavid 's and

That being said we need more people using open source software in arts and design. Definitely. :)

If anyone is interested in contributing to a #FLOSS project and knows about web programming:

@codeawayhaley announced she wants to create a federated blog system that looks/feels like Tumblr.

It will be based on mastodon code - the first tasks will be to adjust mastodons UI and add RSS feeds.

Github is

#ff #FediverseFriday #programming #webdev

tumblr drama, anti-quiltbag 

omfg someone reblogged the screenshots of that time some asshole harassed and outed some possibly-queer guy ("embrace the gay")

except in this version, 2 separate people blame "yaoi shippers" for gay/bi men not being safe

are you fucking kidding me is this actually a thing now

"yaoi shippers" are to blame, suuuure o.O

hating on slash shippers has become sooo accepted in my bubble since yuri on ice, it doesn't make any sense.

Hmmm Xenofeminism, right. I don't remember much of the manifesto content-wise tbh. I was annoyed because the writing seemed overly complicated, and the presentation didn't seem to pay any attention to accessibility, and I thought the manifesto kind of glossed over a lot of things that I cared about.

I should reread it, I guess?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!