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Quick question, oh great and terrible internet brain extension:

What are people's web accessibility pet peeves?

I already have unhelpful/missing alt-text and low contrast text.

I made a Transgender Support Group on Telegram because I feel like there's no actual public group like that. Here's the link if you're trans and would like to join!

we're not anti-pot, we think it should be legal, but like, any kind of smoking is incredibly dangerous for us, our asthma is extremely severe and just assuming you can smoke around anyone is incredibly fucked up and shit.

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Windows 10 source code briefly leaks online, prompting fears that terrorists could use it to spread the terrifying cyber-weapon called 'Windows 10'.

kinda disappointed that this list of non-internet e-mail address formats isn't more extensive now I want to write a dictionary of the khazars-style scifi novel that is just a list of fictional e-mail address formats

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As I am somewhat bad at recognising the differences between those, can anyone help me understand what it feels like

1. having overexerted my body

2. recovering from mental overexertion (i.e. an overload)

3. being depressed and not having the necessary energy at all

[The first one is a reference point and boosts would probably be really nice.]

trans stuff/making stuff???????????? 

does anyone know what would be a good material to use if i was to make breast forms via injection moulding
colour and optical properties don't matter
I wanna make myself some boobs that preferably won't soak up all the horrible fluids and smells that my skin likes to make
I know breast forms are like £30 but I can probably make them cheaper and also based on a 3D scan of my actual chest so they fit good and are sized sensibly

@pawlowa heeey no reason to apologise, but I'm glad you're better today 🐾

Honestly my level of
🔋🔭 things is: I'm pretty amazed that I understood what Ohm's law is about some time this week (I even remember which of the things is which omg)

I'll not waste time on embarrassment tbh, this cat is totally lightningbending ✨ [instert avatar gif here] (and yes I got through high school by sheer luck and tbh that's also fine)

Someone on birbsite tooted a screenshot and now I want to play Shadowrun Hong Kong again and maybe finish it one day, but I'm soooo tireeeeed

(Also Dragonfall, I never finished Dragonfall either)

@aprrrl rising from the grave is a recurrent process. Living people think it happens once but really you're gonna be brushing grave dirt off for the whole afterlife.

Srsly tho can we replace "coming out of the closet" with "rising from the grave"?

I rose from the grave in 2011

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depression, suicide 

@pawlowa huh. I can relate to that line of thought, when applied to myself. But on a meta level, I don't think it's true for anyone.

Anyway, leaving some hearts and queer ice cream here in case you want some: 💜💙💚🍧🍧🍧

Ooh, I'm re-reading (well, listening to, this time) The Invisible Library, and the first time I totally missed that Kai is basically from a Shadowrun dimension. Not sure if I like that or am annoyed.

(I think I'll skip most of the book and start book 2 soon? But not sure, I think I forgot a lot)

anybody got some spare raspis laying around? i can use them to prototype a mesh network, but for any significant demo, i'm going to need several of them.

hit me up! even one helps ❤️

tzag, which in my case would be "go to sleep why are you still awake it's 2 am and you need your 10 hours of sleep but can't sleep well when it gets too warm in your room which it does at about 9 am so go to bed right now you foolish cat and get at least an average amount of sleep which is already so little that you will feel terrible and you can't change that now"

Remember to encrypt things important to you like your fashion sense, your gender, and your secret decryption key.

Here's an idea I'll never actually work on but might be fun:

Mastodon instance for Shadowrun, everyone in character, roving GMs running jobs with whoever's about

The worst about summer is not being able to sleep under a real fucking blanket? How am I supposed to feel like a person when there is no big layer of heavy floof between me and the world

how 🙀

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!