Tbh I'm not happy about Quidditch being played in a national team kind of way, but well, these are the matches that you can view online without ever interacting with a real person, so I am stuck with that
…I could watch some Muggle Quidditch that happened recently? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4m4gSsuBd0
The commentator is Willow Rosenberg which is good. Quidditch is incredibly confusing/boring to watch though unless you actually have the rules memorised well (which I don't) because it is really fast. Hmmm. I mean I should go to bed some time soon. But.
@Veld *makes the inconspicuous face*
I gave myself a MY MY MY, I'M SO BI Ohrwurm (which is ok though, I love how that song embraces all the bi stereotypes and is cute and awesome, except very binary, I mean come on, having Buck Angel in the video is awesome but can't be all your trans inclusion, but I can even ignore that because I like it so much)
@Maenad omg :D yes probably
wait why do I keep spelling "me" as "my"
oh actually
I think my is what I consider proper English orthography for literally every my my
I almost wrote gross with a ß because that's just the proper way*
*actually that is my bias because I'm not from Switzerland where gross would also be the proper way**
**I'm sorry to throw around groß opinions about ~proper German orthography~. that is really nothing anybody should do, I gueß now you know that side of my
gross? things I do when nervous
…we all have that small thingie that never heals for long because we keep scratching it open, right?
(I don't even mean in a metaphorical sense. A few years ago a cat got its claw stuck somewhere in my arm, and it made a tiny thingie that would have gone away really quick… except it's become my go-to "scratch or chew when nervous" area. it's now a few millimetres in diameter of dry skin / scar tissue that is slightly elevated and very convenient for that purpose.)
@ebel I love most things about them! One thing that I can't really use them for though is studying or reading something that requires skipping around instead of reading from cover to cover. I need physical bookmarks in a physical block of paper for that.
Another thing that is annoying is dealing with DRM.
Oh and when the ebook costs as much as the print or even more is also not fun. Ebooks are great, but the practices around them often not so much ^^;
Okay more #AgentsOfSHIELD (I know all the episodes I've watched so far, but I only remembered a tiny bit of the plot so rewatching seems like the right thing to do)
@lifning @chr@cybre.space ¯\_(🐙)_/¯
smol cat learning about the cyber machines. EN & DE. they, it / per, es, ersie, xier. @maunzikation @maunzikation