@lilletale at least not on Twitter :D
@nicolai wow!
@wolfpurplemoon I mute some people, but that makes me forget that they exist m) so I prefer unfollowing, because then I still see RTs.
Twidere actually works best for me list-wise because i can simply add them as a tab :3 still, adding people to lists and sometimes removing them… I don't even do that for my smol "people I want to keep up with" list.
I don't use lists on birbsite. I tried a few times, but I always forget that they exist. Or, when I used tweetdeck, didn't like having so many columns. And adding people to lists, how do you ever remember to do that. And it's so much work. I am fascinated by people who manage to use lists, but I guess they're just not for me. I'd be grateful if people didn't suggest lists when I complain about following too many people. They're… not a solution for me at all. :s
@neon i hope it still exists, it was great for knowing where to start looking for a given topic. i'll tell you if i find it again :D
@neon no, not that :) I mean a site where you could enter a tag and it showed you instances where that tag appeared.
as of five minutes ago, the little game jam i'm hosting is LIVE: https://itch.io/jam/kasrans-kasjam
it lasts til midnight on Sunday (EST), so feel free to join if you want, or boost or whatever
This is very important
In Welsh folklore, corgis were the steeds of fairies.
Image description: A fairy riding a corgi in a forest. Both are wearing fantasy armor.
Source: http://sandara.deviantart.com/art/Corgi-and-fairy-355200334
yeah, we gotta promote the trans day of grandiosity. Nobody knows yet. Like there was only one group in Vienna who met and celebrated tdog this year - definitely has to change.
@lea_eule probably, I never realise before I read it on that day :) There's another possible #internationalnonbinaryday on march 15: https://villiljos.tumblr.com/post/155628645164/international-genderqueernon-binary-day
And trans day of grandiosity on june 6, of course. (less specific, but the only one i have ever celebrated.)
Wait, today is #internationalNonbinaryDay? (or like… one of them)
nice 🍧🍧🍧
smol cat learning about the cyber machines. EN & DE. they, it / per, es, ersie, xier. @maunzikation @maunzikation