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improvments for the fediverse - culture - fediverseFriday 

What could be better from the culture side:

- understanding the value of others work
- using and supporting already existing resources
- working together on "how can we the improve the #fediverse as best", instead of being "one plattform focused"

Show thread when something like that happened to, the admins could still do their magic and move everything to a bigger thingie, and the instance still exists. But yes, losing your account because your instance can no longer make it is always possible on Mastodon. /o\ it has happened to some smaller instances (I don't know details though)

Also if you ever want to send my broke ass $$$$ to pay for my bills, both late and current -$queertrashlord

Is there anywhere to talk about plausibility/science of stuff in futuristic/sci-fi shows and games?

tfw you want to be a sleeping floof, but you also want to google weird things that nobody has ever written about that prominently, probably

gender questioning 

@Maenad @HeckMouse aaah. yeah, trying to tell these things apart can get super weird. personally, when I get to that point, I try to give myself a break because I end up plucking apart my experience in a way that can only hurt me, and certainly won't do any good in fighting misogyny.

"How do i want my friends to know/perceive/call/etc me" works better for me than "did I dislike this because of me being weird or because that was drenched in sexism".

gender questioning 

@HeckMouse i think that the answer is "if you feel genderfluid is a good concept/word for you or some aspect of you right now, then you are genderfluid. And if not, then the fact that you are considering this could still point you to something that fits better".

One thing that helped me to start figuring things out was to have a genderoftheday.doc where i took notes about all those gender-related things (I had 5 loose categories). It made stuff more real for me.

GPL (GNU Public Limerick)

This code can be changed on your end,
So long as you do not amend
This licensing verse,
For better or worse,
If it to the 'Net you should send.

tomorrow i have to go to the doctor for a horrible bug bite and rash that came up on both hands and now my feet that keeps getting worse and worse... :(

i am poor and have to pay out of pocket and unlike many europeans i cant "just see a dr" like its no big thing :( so i ask, if anyone would be generous enough to donate some money for the appointment /medication (via paypal) it would be very, very greatly appreciated. i can send a paypal address if so. thank you very very much 💜

does anyone have any recommendations for ios mastodon clients? preferably ones that don't constantly load the public/federated timelines that i never look at anyway, but idk if this is something mastodon can do

my phone bill is due soon and i don't have enough at all to pay it let alone eat at least once a day. anything will help out this poor queer.$KiCarter

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good aesthetic: people being nice to young kids in the chat who are excited but dont know what they're doing

Anybody got serious skill points in AdBlock filters? I want to make bird site usable again by blocking all the "so and so liked" blocks, and I found a distinguishing feature, but it's not a class or an attribute itself - it's a subentry of a json block stored in an attribute. Can AdBlock filters run that deep?


Oh wait, there it is. I found it ☁

Selten konnte ich etwas so ehrlich bejahen wie die Frage, ob ich ein Siebenschläfer sei.

An earth-loving android was overwhelmed on ground of steel

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!