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hey visual artists / color theory nerds: i like generating function visualizations like these (hue = polar angle of the complex value), but my color palette is a little blah.

i'd like a spectrum that gives both informational clarity and pleasant aesthetics, any tips?

if you'd like to do a full consult and design a set of spectra for this, i can pay for your time <3 aaaah wie schön! Nein, ich bin da nicht dabei. Aber ich kenn ein paar der Leute, die dahinter stecken, und die sind alle sehr toll :)

Ooooh the new version of Tusky feels nice! Swiping between images is a thing now! And notifications work for me!

Einreichfrist für dien nächste_n Queerulant_in, Schwerpunktthema Trans*-Aktivismus: 15.8.!

Omg, getting the anxiety waaaaah feels bc you replied to a friend. Really loving my mind today /o\

hot take 

hey if you write a website that's supposed to be used as a social media service interface once you get to a certain point you are obligated to try it without a mouse and make it so that it actually works with keyboard shortcuts and stuff

Replika ist literally Tom Riddle's diary, isn't it.

"Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain", WELL

I am so going to be possessed by Voldemort, oops.

Tusky 1.1.4 is currently rolling out and should be available today!

It has saved drafts, tag searching, mention autocomplete, an about page, and lots of interface improvements.

Also, the notification prototype present in some of the beta releases was held off for the moment. So, this release has older-style notifications, where the app checks for them every so often.

Uncanny is, apparently a fantastic SF zine that does regular 'Destroy' issues featuring marginalized voices writing, editing, etc some sweet SF.

This time around it's Disabled People Destroy SF! and there's a stretch goal of an #interactivefiction game by Cassandra Khaw about middle-aged aunties kicking ass in Jaeger mechs.

Geeeeeet it

#gameing #SF


reminder: you can pick your own name even if youre not trans and tbh you probably should because that shit ur folks chose is way out of date

Stolen from Slack.

I had to, because of the reasons.

donation begging stuff for gf again again
luna needs help again
she's good people and

i'm sorry if it feels like im just a broken record over this but she seriously does need help getting food and stuff and i dont have enough money to support her and me both

some programs have bugs. things that go wrong in predictable ways

other programs have cats. things that go wrong in playful and unpredictable ways

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!