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Oh wow, people are still making new stuff for a 7 year old phone. That's pretty cool & impressive. & I just realised that 7 years isn't really that old? It only seems like forever in the "having to replace tech every 2-3 years" verse.

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For some reason I am trying to unbrick my very very old old phone now. I didn't bother when it happened, because I already had a new phone and this one was barely useable for everyday stuff anymore anyway. So… no idea what I am going to do with it if I succeed o.O

@kex_nom @quir_x oh das klingt beides gut :) ich werd schauen ob ich 15:00 schaff, aber wahrscheinlich wird es eher irgendwann-einmal-veganista.

@Jules thank you, but I think it would be better for me anyway to try some other stuff and then come back to it :)

@kex_nom *winkt energisch* (falls du irgendwann weniger müde bist und Zeit/Lust hast mich zu treffen, miau!)


So, I haven't ever been a huge fan of reddit - platform, corporate entity, nor much of the userbase - but they have done one thing we should collectively steal and make our own.

I would like to secret santa the hell out of y'all.

Anyone want to own building the fediverse its own secret santa management and distribution platform? I would say I would do it but then I'd have to feel bad when it ended up not getting done and I'd rather not set myself up for that particular trip.

Awww yes, I KNEW here on wonderful Mastodon there were probably even people who… open up their e-readers and do stuff with them 😻

So, I really enjoyed reading this by @wxcafe, excite!! 📖💾✨

shyness 💜 that stuff is hard.

But I also feel like you're measuring yourself by a binary that isn't really that much of a thing outside our own anxieties. Not all trans people know their gender, and definitely not at all times of their life. And not all trans people have body stuff going on, let alone see themselves in the wrong body narrative, not even all binary ones. And people who aren't binary, well… there's so many ways to exist. It's all fine.

Ah, I never before noticed that you can see all the nice blinking lights from there m)

Okay well, I just almost cried in the subway because of some cute solarpunk story about young queer girls and their lizards

Solarpunk Press: "Riley Marigold and the Winged Lizards of Tel Aviv" by Kayla Bashe

@cuffedCatling das Mammut erwartet keinen Content, es ist da, wenn es gebraucht wird 🐘🍵

Which means that server admins start moving energetically after Gargron make new release.
Cans are canned Mackerel(さば缶).
Mackerel(鯖(saba)) is slang for server.
can(缶) is acronym for admin(管理者(kanrisya)).
So, canned Mackerel(鯖缶) = server admin.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!