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emergency homelessness 

Basically my mom said she will help me pay rent and then tired around and told me imm on my own. So I'm $800 short now and could be homeless soon.

Here are the links:

Venmo: @Kianna-Carter$KiCarter

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I can't fall asleep while fidgetspinning; read my thinkpiece about about it Demiguy sein und irgendwie Hormone bekommen (halt mit potentiell noch mehr Auslassen oder Verbiegen der Wahrheit als das eh auch komplett binäre Leute oft machen): definitiv. Offen damit sein, Demiguy zu sein, und Hormone bekommen: Kommt voll drauf an, an wen du kommst, aber ja, es gibt auf jeden Fall einige Enbys, für die das funktioniert hat.

Somewhere kittens are probably suffering for my taste in music but right now I'm just really happy with this huge Green Day playlist

Sitting in the subway tooting, listening to music and fidgetspinning simultaneously like a true millennial

Honestly everything I know about ~gameing~ I know from watching Video Game High School

#WordPress plugin "WP Statistics" used by 300,000+ sites found vulnerable to SQL injection attack.
Patched in version 12.0.8... update now!

"5 easy fidget spinner tricks"

"i mean just juggle them nbd"

animal death oh no :( <3

a horror story in three cats

(i just misread something as that and i really like it)

Hey Mastodon: which instances would you recommend for queer & trans women and nonbinary folk? (Particularly those admin'd by that demographic)

Thinking about pitching an article to Autostraddle about Mastodon and want to give the readers some instances to check out!

It is not called Furry Road but yes that is what I'm going to (re)watch this evening in some DIY outdoor way, nice

Whoa, I dreamed that we were staying in a tent and it was raining really really hard and it stood in a puddle and water started to come in through the floor

That was intense, but also, opening the tent did not make it rain inside

And I'm pretty sure none of our clothes were wet

I really like this kind of distraction free disaster

Day 2
It's only a matter of time until the fidget spinner falls into my tea and/or knocks things off the table, but this is life, my dear 🐘🐩, this is life.

I'm still not sure why the three thingies are bearings and not just weights? is it so it makes more of the swishy noise? in that case i really appreciate it (and also generally because thingies that move are always fun)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!