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I wish there was a way to search my own toots on #mastodon for an arbitary string, not just a #hashtag. Or a way to #export/#download my own toots (then I could search 'em myself....)

GPL (Government Public License): Sure, you can fork it, you just have to fill out a 4 page form and fax it to us, and we'll fax you the source code within 4 to 9 business days.

Retroware License: distribution of this software or any modification thereof is forbidden on any medium other than CDs, floppy disks, cassettes, punchcards, printed source code listings, or cartridges for any game console made before 2005

I hate villages and small towns for how hard it is to be shy there :s You can't just ignore people you don't know, or they will hate you and your family for ever, probably

(*ignores all the people*)

harassment, Mastodon 

Fellow Mastadonians- take a stand against harassment if you can do something about it.

Speak out if you see something. File a report. Take the person's attention away from their target until an admin can do something.

Let's make this better than Twitter. It starts with us.

The best text editor is a cat firmly loafing atop your keyboard

Uhโ€ฆ whump in an unexpected fandom 

I didn't look for it, I promise, but I just found Kung Fu Panda whump. (It's not really my taste, but I am now seriously thinking about Kung Fu Panda whump that I might enjoy. It's definitely possible, but it would have to take the incredibly cute source material serious.)

Shipping tycoon: a logistics game where the win condition is to either build the most robust international nautical supply chains possible, or to successfully nudge relationships into being

Successes in one area gives new opportunities in the other

No seriously though, I would LOVE to do a dating sim where you're a casual match-maker among your friends instead of being the pursuer of romance yourself.

Seriously. Shipping simulators. Why isn't this a genre.

Wait not that kind of shipping FDMANMIT WORDS!

My university just released an "official" app to "chat with your friends, look up your marks, your timetables, see your enrolment details..."

Guess who developed it? The fucking Santander bank.

Guess what the Terms & Conditions say? That your data can be sold to third parties and that you will receive advertisements from third parties.

The app even has a "News" category that is, again, controlled by the bank.

FUCK, I'M ANGRY. :( ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿพ

Hey! This instance is still pretty empty. If you need a secondary account or have a friend who wants to try mastodon, why not ?

@ConnyDuck Timeline = Timeline find ich gut, in der Mastodon-รœbersetzung sind es momentan allerdings "Lokale Zeitleiste" und "Gesamtes bekanntes Netz" (fรผr federated timeline x).

Anti trans 

Well fuck you too, youtube recommendations ๐Ÿ˜พ ("Tumblr's nonbinary special snowflakes cringe compilation")

New Humble Books Bundle, for those of you wanting to get into IT Security (on a budget):

Default charity is the EFF (yay!) but you can add another one, like the Wikimedia Foundation, or Django Girls, or hundreds of others.

*Walks up to straight couple*

So... which of you is the robot girl who needs repairs and which is her kind but firm-handed lady engineer?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!