it was, however, messed with. i'm fairly sure the person i bought this used from was trying to put it on their non-tablet X61 given it came with a LED backlight mod (which doesn't seem to be installable on the tablet) and in trying to install that they left the diffuser dirty
it also has no glass in front on the panel so while the digitiser does work fine i'm not comfortable pushing the stylus against it. let's see if i can clean the diffuser and transplant just the glass from my old panel...
i didn't kill it! but while i did clean the most egregious big spot in the middle, even with all the careful wiping and compressed air there's still a hair or two embedded in the panel heh
let's leave well enough alone and take a look at the glass now
unlike the stories about the glass on the sxga+ panel, the xga panel's glass is only stuck around the sides with some thick adhesive, not embedded to the whole panel
i'm noticing more guff in the diffuser layer but i'm too tired to do it all over again so i'll put it back together for now and now that i know how to get in here maybe some other day i put new diffusers in, maybe even the ones from the old panel if they're the same
transferred the rubber tape over to the new panel, thankfully still plenty sticky
now to clean the panel and the glass and put them together