so let's talk about the new unified mobile app after they scrapped the android one and merged codebase with ios

- floating heads no longer properly show voice activity
- floating heads no longer have mute/deafen buttons, only an empty space where they use to be

- actions in call notification no longer work properly, "mute" makes "undeafen" appear even though you're not actually deafened
- join/part call noises are deafeningly loud, above call volume
- devices no longer properly disconnect if you connect on other devices

- option to compress images larger than 8mb removed, only option left is coercion into buying nitro instead
- we finally have an indicator whether or not a group call is already in progress but you need to force quit for it to properly update

- if you join a group call that's already going, if your client has the wrong status and says that the call isn't going, you will ring all the other participants

this is not to mention the bugs introduced in the *desktop* client

am i missing anything

oh yeah

- sometimes, at random, your video preview (already a very small floating image, no option to make it larger on the screen) will be split to show the other participant's video along with it in the bg, meaning the other participant's video is now shown twice on your phone


do we really still think is better than or did their selling point from 2015 not age well

yeah! remember when they used that as a selling point?

i don't remember ever having to pay to send large files on

i would love to hear anyone have a single reason to use other than "all my other friends are there"

because honestly, that's the only thing that's keeping me on it

and i think we need collective action for that no longer to be the case

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