
linux is so bad. i don't believe anyone actually uses it they just want you to think they do

i used to think that my laptop just was bad at doing most things. turns out all the problems i had with my laptop disappeared when i went back to windows

@mavica_again Driver support is the cause of a lot of IT evils.

🐧 Linux has some but probably not the ones you need and certainly not when you need them.

🪟 Microsoft Windows has drivers but they’re made by all different people who don’t all know what they’re doing. They can be of iffy quality and things could kick off at any moment.

🍎 Apple designs their own hardware, writes their own operating system and writes the drivers for all the devices in their computers. Life is peaceful and I no longer worry about making my computer work.

@del @mavica_again

Totally agree since some drivers are hard to find sometimes like sometimes rhel has specific drivers for a network card which are somewhere.

The biggest hurdle still for Linux seems to be some companies will not or make Linux drivers hard to find.

@mavica_again most open source software does kind of feel like a cruel prank

@zens it's a bit where everybody else but you is in on the joke that "no it's really good actually you're just using it wrong"

@mavica_again @zens 1/4
I haven't had that kind of experience. I have two systems, an old Thinkpad and a desktop gaming PC. I typically do projects with rhel based os. I use a ton and it is the only OS I like. I only use on the main PC that my wife needs. So saying is bad is just sounding like a subjective argument. Yes requires a bit more work to use it. I work in IT at a data center and never had servers in the data center only servers.

@mavica_again @zens
Cont. 2/4
I know the saying that you don't value your time using which I do not agree with. I have issues with Windows way more than

If you prefer windows then that's fine but saying one is bad because it runs slow on a laptop is kind of silly since it is subjective. Not all hardware can run with any OS, i understand that. 

@mavica_again @zens
When I say I actually use as a daily driver I mean it. I hate since I always had performance issues on low spec systems. is a hog sometimes even on base install. Also can be annoying when you end up having to refresh it after a couple years, why? I wish I knew since windows trashes itself for some reason and do not understand why it functions that way sometimes

@mavica_again @zens
Cont. 4/4
If people like then that's fine too, I prefer one and use one in my profession both being . I can do way more things with like build a quick router in like 20 minutes. Or setup a VPN. Basically any need i require it to do. 

Depending on the distro you get can reflect performance issues in its own way like can as well. Basically use and OS that can serve your needs. :blobthinking:

@mavica_again @zens i would.never say your using it wrong to anyone. If you have issues with an OS for specific hardware if your seeking performance overall.

@zens @SweetBlackHearts but but but linux is actually good. maybe it's your hardware. buy the right hardware. what? no i'm not going to buy you a computer why are you asking that

@mavica_again @SweetBlackHearts it’s totally subjective that linux is bad, because it’s not my experience. if you just use my particular favourite distribution you’ll only be mildly annoyed

@zens @mavica_again

I said it can be annoying to setup if your not used to it.

I never said your using it wrong out right. Also I said doesn't matter what OS you use, use what works for you.

@SweetBlackHearts @zens i've been using linux for over a decade now, i've seen plenty of distros and preachers come and go. i think i'm very used to linux and how bad it is

@mavica_again @zens well you keep saying it's bad but never say why it's bad to you. I can also say Windows is badand that's it.

I also do not take stock in people saying they used X for a number of years since it can always be your doing it right for that long or wrong for that long.

@SweetBlackHearts @mavica_again you literally just said you would never do this literal thing you just did, word for word.

I don’t want to be mean but i am begging you to get some self awareness about what you are saying

@SweetBlackHearts @mavica_again
i know what it is like to be so invested in an idea from years of pain trying to make it work, that you feel an instinctive need to defend it every time you see someone criticising the idea.

but you can break out of this mindset by simply accepting that all operating systems are terrible. we’re all just coping with this awful unreliable extractive badly designed crap we’ve been handed and doing our best

@SweetBlackHearts @mavica_again you do not need to preach to strangers that linux can be good.

you can accept that it hurts you too. you admitted as much, a little. you don’t need to push that pain onto other people

@SweetBlackHearts @mavica_again believe me, i can talk your ear off about how good javascript can be.

but i know most people, in the height of pain, from being punished by how bad it is, aren’t interested in hearing about it

@zens @mavica_again that is totally valid but I'm not saying to say that their experience is bad since all I'm arguing is saying that it's bad without a backup argument is not good strategy

@SweetBlackHearts @mavica_again huh? no, your feelings got hurt and you decided to step in with your infodump of your cognitive dissonance. this is not a debate palace. go back to reddit or whatever if that’s what you’re into. this place is for cuddles

@zens @mavica_again No my feelings are not hurt I just don't want people arguing something is bad because they have personal issues with it. The part that annoys me is when people just claim something and don't give up supporting evidence of why. So if you want to say Linux is bad well guess what Windows is bad.

@SweetBlackHearts @zens windows is bad! Congrats i will not argue against you on that. All OS is bad. Computers are bad. i'm more level headed than you in this regard, because i'm not pestering you for saying that

@zens @mavica_again I'm not preaching it I'm just trying to get a realistic expectation of why everyone thinks it's bad because just saying it's bad as an operating system as a whole is not a good argument. If I was preaching it I would say you're completely wrong I'm just saying give me a better argument

@SweetBlackHearts @zens you ARE telling me to give you a better argument

so off the top of my head without having a linux device near me right now:

- i have never had linux make full usage of my graphics hardware
- i have never had linux play nice with all the HID i want to use
- less about the software but i have been constantly told by anyone using linux that it's my fault for wanting to use it that way, or having the hardware i have

@SweetBlackHearts @zens
- i spend SO LONG trying to WORK *AROUND* the idiosyncracies of UI, which change from distro to distro to version to version
- do-dist-upgrade never worked for me
- things break every time i do a package upgrade
- things i want to do need packages that are not in my manager because i can't do a distro upgrade, so i need to nuke the whole computer and start over
- nobody who designs software for it can agree to design it for non-programmers

@SweetBlackHearts @zens
- most people who design software for it cannot agree to be decent people (HELLO, GNU IMAGE MANIPULATOR PROGRAM)

i can keep going but i'll spare luci of more spam (sorry in advance)

@zens @mavica_again Well gnome is like a small subset of the desktop experiences. I don't use gnome because we a.know it blows. Cinnamon or kde are much better in that regard for desktops.

@SweetBlackHearts @zens so would you say i'm using it wrong if the distro i got came with gnome and swapping desktop environments is not as easy as telling me to do so

@SweetBlackHearts @mavica_again not good enough. blind people who have. been hardcore linux users for years are quitting in droves, not just because of the software being broken but because of shitty dismissive attitudes like yours

@mavica_again @SweetBlackHearts i’ve never got audio to work.

every time i have ever used linux i’ve wasted entire weekends searching for hours on forums for why stuff wasn’t working, compiling obscure drivers, changing configurations. being forced to use vim

the pattern i have noticed is people who like linux like doing those things.

I do not. i do not play with computers to play with computers. or dink with driver settings. i don’t like rebooting 20 times. i like getting shit done

@zens @SweetBlackHearts AUDIO! that's a big one i forgot to mention

i do live streaming from time to time. my A/V set up will NEVER be supported by linux as easily as installing a program. i need to program a farking low-level driver in some obscure byzantine config language to do anything remotely resembling that and forget about VST support because that's filthy windows DLLs

@zens @mavica_again Ok? That proves what? If you want to say Linux is bad based on your own personal experiences that does not mean operating system is bad. If you have a certain specific issue yes sometimes it be hard to find answers for it. Believe it or not though I've never had audio issues ever. And sometimes depending on what district you use actually dictates if something supported well or not.

@SweetBlackHearts @zens you wanted arguments for why linux is bad and we've given you them and you won't accept them therefore it's clear you're only in my mentions to argue in bad faith because we don't love your pet operating system

@SweetBlackHearts @mavica_again linux is bad because of you. it’s people like you who make it bad. it’s having to put up with conversations like this that make being near linux or even talking about it publically intolerable

@mavica_again @zens ok sure still sound alien it's personal issues. Also I'm not reading all that, sorry your hurt.

@SweetBlackHearts @zens good linux experiences are alien to me too, wow, it's almost like you're starting to get it

@SweetBlackHearts @zens windows is bad? i haven't had that kind of experience. i have two systems, an old Thinkpad and a desktop gaming PC. i typically do projects with windows based os. i use only in systems without a graphical interface because trying to use any user interface devices on linux is a spawn of satan. i work as a software engineer and never had a single work computer.

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