thinking about how a trans person would be doing themselves a disservice for believing that "robot" is any less a tangibly real thing that someone can be than "woman"
@mavica_again I am confused by what you said, and hoped for elaboration
@hellomiakoda and i can't elaborate unless i know which part confuses you
@hellomiakoda i'll try to scattershot here:
there have been times where people who happen to be trans themselves have argued about how i can't be a robot. they are usually on the same truscum/transmed boat that to be trans you must transition. the point i am trying to make is that a trans person is doing not me but themselves a disservice in saying that it's any different to be a robot than it is for them to be a woman.
The tangibility of being a robot
@hellomiakoda i am a robot. i am tangible. these things are true and incontestable
@hellomiakoda isn't it just?