This potato of a laptop fell into my hands recently - an Acer Aspire One D257, running an Atom N455 @ 1.66 GHz with 1GB DDR3 RAM.

I've just popped an SSD in it. I'm thinking about using it only as a MAME machine to run the #Psion SIBO emulation, just for demos.

So... Maybe Debian? Possibly even running 32 bit (it is a 64 bit CPU, but that lack of RAM worries me). A lightweight DE or WM.

I could run Arch, but I really want this to Just Work™.

Any suggestions?

*chuckles with nerdy glee*

@kroc - worked first time, including WiFi!

@ActionRetro - because I know you love a bit of #HaikuOS


So, there's no python2 package for #Haiku anymore, so I can't build #MAME 0.226 from #HaikuPorts using #HaikuPorter. So I thought I'd just try jumping straight in and modifying the recipe to build MAME 0.259.

I've copied the patch file from the 0.226 port, just to see if it would work without modifying it. So the error I'm seeing *might* be because of that.

OK, plan is:

1. Extract another copy of the source files
2. sha1 the files that the patch wants to mod
3. Manually apply the patches
4. If it doesn't work, try to update the patches and try again
5. sha1 the modified files
6. Update the patch file with the new sha1 hashes
7. Try again with HaikuPorter

Well, so far unsuccessful.

Managed to manually patch #MAME 0.259 by modifying the patches for 0.226, but clearly there's something missing. I assume something should be happening before the "no rule to make target" error.

Right now I'm not sure who to ask for help. The MAME devs will probably remind me that #HaikuOS is completely unsupported. The #Haiku devs may not be able to help as it's not really a Haiku problem.

Time to shut down for the night.

#HaikuPorts #HaikuPorter

I need to spend time on other things today related to $dayjob, but I've posted on the #HaikuOS forum to see if anyone can help.

I've also asked someone I know who works on #MAME to see if he's got any ideas.

It's been a fun/frustrating tangent to work on, that's for sure!

Final word: I do love the look of #Haiku. I also love being able to run #Vim on it, as well as Midnight Commander and bat.

Maybe I should have tried to build #NeoVim first, before trying #MAME?

#HaikuPorts #HaikuPorter

Well, bum.

With the help of a friendly #HaikuOS contributor, we've got a fair way through the compilation of #MAME. I'm currently only compiling the #Psion Series 3a emulation, just so that I can get something working. Then I'll expand out to more Psion machines, and finally all the others.

What am I missing? Which header hasn't been included?

#HaikuOS #MAME

@mavica_again AMAZING! I was about to go to bed, but I might have to go and test this out.

@mavica_again That worked! Thank you!

But now I've got a HUGE number of errors from ln for luaengine_render.cpp. I'm going to try a clean build, see if that fixes it.

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