why is it that when a Windows program has no Linux port everybody's all up in arms about it but a Mac app being Mac exclusive is seen as prestigious

@mavica_again because nobody cares about mac stuff outside of mac users 😇

@chjara as a ui developer id really like to try this tool that just got pushed on my timeline that "every ui developer" "needs" but i guess i can't because i'm not rich enough for apple hardware !

@mavica_again On the other hand, that's how it feels every day when a "every gamer should play this" game comes out just for Windows. I very much feel your pain and it's none brighter on the other side.

But I guess you answered your own answer there, it's because people assume mac owners are rich and society sees rich as prestigious (none of which needs to be true, at least it's not in my case).

Bottom line is the same: we should have more cross-platform releases.

@retronator in fairness as far as games go developing directly for Linux is Not Easy (dependency/targeting nightmare) but today there are very few Windows games that won't run on Proton


@retronator (and for Mac, Apple completely shafted opengl in favour of metal)

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