for an operating system that purports to make old devices useful linux sure is allergic to bitmap fonts and resolutions lower than 1920x1080

yes i have ln-s'ed "70-yes-bitmaps.conf". yes i have rebuilt font config cache. yes windows in 1995 had a better font support


linux is hyperconfigurable as long as you have the exact same machine as the maintainer and want the exact same config as the maintainer

i cannot find anything on google for "all bitmap fonts show the same font that isn't the bitmap font i'm selecting" so if any people who would like to convince me that it's any better than windows could shed some light into this feel fre to replyguy me

@mavica_again everything is so fucking chunky and desperately wants to be OSX for some reason

@mavica_again What type of Linux are you running? (both distro and version if you know it)

@mavica_again Does "fc-match '*font you want*'" print the name of some other font?

@zwol it doesn't. it turns out this is by fault of me naively trying to use pcf and bdf fonts which the enlightened gnome pango developers know better than me than to let me do that

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