hey guys i've come up with a way to clear up the lack of tone in written text, if you mean for your message to be read seriously please add an indicator at the end of it like so: /s

@mavica_again Sorry if this is a joke that I'm missing, but tone indicators have been a thing for a while and /s actually means "sarcasm", while "serious" is /srs.


@Iwillyeah @mavica_again Kind of in bad taste, if you ask me. Tone indicators are used for autistic people who often have trouble telling whether someone is joking or not. By making a joke about indicators and presenting it as serious advice, going so far as to tag it #feditips, it's bound to make people confused and start using the wrong indicators.


@karinakimi @Iwillyeah i think tone indicators are in bad taste (they make a secret language i have to feel excluded from (and back in my day we autistics just used parenthesis to explain everything (maybe i'm just too old for younger autistics who do everything different from me)))

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