you know it really is nice when you make a funny meme for giggles on the internet and people flood your notifications about how clearly you must be wrong, i love waking up to that

the internet has not for a second been a net positive place but i think we really lost the last shred of empathy with microblogging


I think the Internet has been a net positive. I think Social Media has been a net negative. No doubt that Humanity is worse of than before Facebook and Twitter.

Newsgroups had some dark corners, but Nazis were clearly marked.


@davidhmccoy i'm bad at wording because i just booted up but i meant people have been mean online since Usenet


Really thought Nazi punching was a solved issue. Seemed to be trending in the right direction regarding racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc…

Think the closet bigots really spun out after Obama. These were the “some of my best friends are X” patronizing people and they fled to Trump.

Now, here we are, seemingly locked in eternal combat. Maybe we were hit by an asteroid and this is Hell, but what choice do we have but to gird loins and fight?

@davidhmccoy but the worst mood offenders i get here aren't from Nazis or transphobes is my point

it's "well meaning" reply guys telling me i'm doing computers wrong or chiding me on this or that choice and just

open comments were a mistake

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