i spend like 60% of my time using a computer via a terminal or some kind of text-based interface. and i can say this confidently: command line interfaces are just a really shit text adventure with poorly written room descriptions and inscrutable puzzles. compared to the wonderful world of 3D-beveled buttons, cute pixel-art icons, explorable pull-down menus and interactive onscreen objects with transformation handles, they offer no life, no soul, and no joy, only a horrible and isolating void

it's possible that if i had been born ten years earlier, and my first experiences of computers, as a child, were seeing a 40 or 80-column grid of monochrome text, rather than a graphical, spatial world full of colorful little widgets, i would have found them profoundly uninspiring and evil, and never would have been remotely inspired to pursue any kind of interest in them


@jk hey now, cga offered up to 16 colours in text mode

@mavica_again CGA also offered graphics modes! the chipset was good, i'm blaming the people who didn't bother to use it for much

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