
we'll be in the uk again in less than two weeks!

if anyone around or willing to ship their retro computers or consoles for servicing to the southwest, we could use the work and our prices are negotiable :boost_ok:

@mavica_again I may have something for you... Just waiting on a screen to test an old ZX (haven't got anything to output to); if it doesn't boot it may want recapping & output bypass hack?

@luxet can do! those are pretty routine and i can get them done quick, @lexbailey (hi Lex! 😊) can vouch for me on those!

@mavica_again @luxet omg yes, can recommend. my spectra are all in excellent working order now :)

@mavica_again @lexbailey sweet. Should know by the end of the month, old school screen in theory arriving on the last weekend,

@mavica_again @lexbailey sorry - on arrival of the CRT screen it outputted straight away. Couldn't input anything mind... but replacing the membrane didn't need any soldering, so I've managed that. So nothing to send you I'm afraid. On the plus side lots of spectrum has been happening here...

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!