what's your favorite raspberry pi? please respond by saying "my favorite raspberry pi is..." and then suggest another single board computer that isn't a raspberry pi. im trying to genericize the trademark, you see


@jk ohhh the card computer is a cool one, have you done anything fun with that pi yet?

@mavica_again i screwed around with it for a bit a few months ago but the problem is. the little plastic blister packet that it came in, is so cute, that i keep wanting to put it back in. it looks really cosy in there

@mavica_again i think maybe. possibly, it doesn't have quite enough I/O? i haven't really thought through it yet though. maybe i could make some kinda SPI port expander thing that could clip onto the side/back

@jk that's usually what i've seen people do yeah, the holes being lego technics compatible helps

i was working on a little drum machine program but it started getting slow and making the audio out of sync so i got bored and haven't worked on it in a while

@mavica_again i wanted to do something like that! haven’t done much low level stuff for the last few years. something about the “ISR that mixes one sample at a time on a 16kHz timer” approach to audio programming is just very appealing and refreshing

@jk oh i was using micropython which mostly kept it high level. which had the shortcoming of it not being fast enough

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