it's really cool how the usa famously for being vehemently violent against immigrants have a green card system which lets you just marry into citizenship whereas in the uk to marry into not citizenship but only a visa to allow you to work at all in the uk you have to have eighteen thousand pound per year salary and you can only fill that eighteen thousand pound per year with british-recognized salary which means working in the uk which you cannot do without a visa and to get a visa you need to-

the cool thing about applying for a visa in the uk is that it costs upwards of two thousand pounds british for the british government to tell you that you cannot

anyway i have been logically homeless and countryless for over two years now and i would really like to be not that thank you for donating to my fundraiser i know you have


by the way if you are in the and you need your or repaired i am a highly skilled technician that cannot be legaly employed in the uk so send me a donation of a ammount and ship your computer to the southwest devon and i will repair it for you i have clients who can vouch for me thank you. i have an oscilloscope and everything, which is more than some thousand-follower retro tech youtubers can say. :boost_ok:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!