Does anyone have any advice for recording voiceover for a video?

I'm trying to do it but I can't get rid of mouth sounds and clicks and other gross noises like that

So far I've tried moving the mic further away (didn't help, in fact it only increased the echo), drinking water, and eating lemon


@hazelnot my usual pipeline for clearing up vocals like that is noise gate -> compressor -> EQ (a hard high-pass at 100hz is always good)

in VST land i use Cockos' ReaPlugs for noise gate and Melda Productions' free plugins for compressor and EQ, those should run fine in Wine, otherwise i'm not sure what you could use but those would be the "generic" terms for these filters

a de-esser would also help but i've yet to find a good free one, if you do give me a shout

@hazelnot and yeah like others have said, a pop filter between you and the microphone is also essential

@mavica_again I do have a pop filter but I haven't been able to actually mount it on the arm without it just falling off by itself lol

But that wouldn't really help anyway, those are for plosives, my issue is with the fleshy sounds my mouth makes when I'm talking 😅

@hazelnot i found that mine helped at least a bit with those as well, but yeah not a full solution

oh also, if you get ReaPlugs you can try ReaFir, which you can use to build a noise profile and remove certain frequencies from the sound, i do that for mouse clicks which are in a range away from my voice, maybe you could try to calibrate it for mouth noises

i'm only suggesting VSTs in these cases because they're what i have experience with as i do this kind of filtering for real-time, not post

@mavica_again hm, I can't get ReaPlugs standalone cause I'm using Linux, I'd have to buy Reaper and use the whole thing

I don't know how to use any DAWs though, I didn't even know they can be used for recording voiceovers cause everyone I've seen seems to only use them to make electronic music out of samples 😅


@hazelnot VSTs are pretty much a Windows construct yeah but they should work over Wine, the Reaper DAW is good for mastering (whether you're recording instruments or voice) but what i was suggesting is just the filters. i don't know about the Linux version of audacity but i thought the Windows version supported VSTs.

either way not something you need to worry about, a VST type filter is only important for real time filtering, and i realise now you're doing it post-recording anyway

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