
someone loudly complained about the notice i put on my website (which includes pages such as and ) that Chrome is an unsupported browser. i don't want to not have the notice as i find it important for people to know i will not offer support if they have issues while using Chrome, but i caved and make it look less ominous.

maybe i shouldn't have caved, i absolutely think Chrome and Google will destroy whatever's left of the web as we know it, but i have a trauma response to bothering people

if you like the things i built and you don't want to tell me or buy me a ko-fi about it then at the very least please stop using chrome

@mavica_again oh dang, that's brilliant, I need to do that (not that anyone goes to my website to see it)! Years of stupid popups about Firefox not being supported has made me vengeful. If you're going to insist on using chrome, you get stupid popups too!

@sam i did it with an nginx rule!

map $http_user_agent $brnotice {
default '</head>';
~*Chrom '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""></head><div class="impnotice">You are using an unsupported browser. Please visit <a href="">this website</a> if you would like to upgrade to a supported browser.</div>';

and in the server block:

        sub_filter '</head>' $brnotice;
sub_filter_once on;
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