@NanoRaptor@mavica_again Do you or anyone else know, what the best / most fun win9x software is to create dithers? I'm looking for creative applications to use on my retro system.
@hackbroetchen maybe i'll port #ditherinator to w98 some day. i've been wanting to play with old visual studio (and already have a dev environment set up on a pentium ii machine)
@mavica_again A Win9x Version of the #ditherinator would be soooo awesome! I love purpose build tools like this and had a lot of fun playing with it. Best start tonight so you don't forget. ;)
@mavica_again A Win9x Version of the #ditherinator would be soooo awesome! I love purpose build tools like this and had a lot of fun playing with it. Best start tonight so you don't forget. ;)