good morning mastodon it's been far too long eh

melody ✨ boosted

one of these days i will stream myself writing a british css to css transpiler

all it does it change colour -> color but i'm pretty sure it will land me a job as a senior css engineer at some random british fintech startup

melody ✨ boosted

have you heard? girls are hotter with python

lesbian blockchain posting 

hell yeah i got NFTs: nice fucking thighs 🍗​

melody ✨ boosted

Encrypt your devices, have proper opsec. Have up to date encrypted backups, ideally in multiple locations.

melody ✨ boosted

police, acab, US, context re: tillie psa 

my apartment was raided by local police this morning 7am my time and all my electronic devices have been confiscated on request of the US department of justice.

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melody ✨ boosted

the other day somebody made a tweet about Microsoft not adding alt-text to their images on twitter so I messaged the Microsoft a11y twitter account and now they are adding image descriptions to future tweets, this makes me immensely happy

melody ✨ boosted

dating a subby programmer and trying to figure out if their message is a keysmash or Ascii85 encoded data

chicken tenders, or as they like to call them in seattle, yellow textured strips,

anyways the thought of interac coming to america makes me mouth drool more than a bowl of poutine even though it would never happen!!! 🤤

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i had a dream that the king of prussia mall was so large that it had 3 costcos, all of which sold slightly different things. one was a canadian costco that sold poutine and doritos ketchup chips and half the signs were in french and my card declined b/c it was interac only lmao

if i were living in a parallel world where every job rejection comes with a free jar of pickles, i would be set for lifeeeee 🥒

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!