good morning mastodon it's been far too long eh

melody ✨ boosted

one of these days i will stream myself writing a british css to css transpiler

all it does it change colour -> color but i'm pretty sure it will land me a job as a senior css engineer at some random british fintech startup

melody ✨ boosted

have you heard? girls are hotter with python

lesbian blockchain posting 

hell yeah i got NFTs: nice fucking thighs 🍗​

melody ✨ boosted

Encrypt your devices, have proper opsec. Have up to date encrypted backups, ideally in multiple locations.

melody ✨ boosted

police, acab, US, context re: tillie psa 

my apartment was raided by local police this morning 7am my time and all my electronic devices have been confiscated on request of the US department of justice.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!