@kato Yeah, me and another friend (who showed me DDD) kinda agreed about that
@kato I have no clue if this is even close to correct, but it feels like there's a bit of cynicism hanging over punpun that isn't present in the same way in DDD
@mhu2141ai nah that's EXACTLY what i disliked about punpun. I like bitter and cynical media but not when it's just super depressing constantly
@kato In DDD people are still flawed, but it seems more concerned with presenting them -as people- with genuine emotions, maybe?
@mhu2141ai Yea. It's just kinda powerful and a lot more poignant when you have the light contrasting with the dark, or some silly analogy like that
@kato Yeah I think it does a good job of showing how contradictory and flawed people can be. There's all this cynicism and this weird blurred line between sincerity and insincerity in most of what Ontan says, but there are almost jarring moments where that drops away
@mhu2141ai same, i've seen it get compared to punpun a lot because Same Author but they're like polar opposites in my eyes??
at least, I really love one and am generally in ill-favor of the other