@kato Yeah I think it does a good job of showing how contradictory and flawed people can be. There's all this cynicism and this weird blurred line between sincerity and insincerity in most of what Ontan says, but there are almost jarring moments where that drops away
@kato In DDD people are still flawed, but it seems more concerned with presenting them -as people- with genuine emotions, maybe?
@kato I have no clue if this is even close to correct, but it feels like there's a bit of cynicism hanging over punpun that isn't present in the same way in DDD
@kato Yeah, me and another friend (who showed me DDD) kinda agreed about that
@kato A good few of the things DDD gets right I've never seen much other media even approach... And I love pretty much all the main characters, which is kind of rare for me lol
@kato It's going, just a bit slow and patchy. It started to lapse into JP the last few chapters they uploaded, so I had to stop...