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cant believe i played 25+ hours of one otome game in the span of 3 days, ovulated, and proceeded to not play for a whole day... they should put me in an institution

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I'm gonna say this here bc only my friends follow me on here but last night I almost got caught sucki- *gets shot down*

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i log into final fantasy and the first thing i hear is some bard on my block playing believer by imagine dragons and not missing a single note

lulu wont let me burn things with my cool lighter

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@mimi H..HAI... *wriggles around nervously, u can see my 5 hearts beating super fast*

this is a screenshot fromwhen me and lulu were trying to teach gum how to minmax pest control hard has nothing to do withthis thread but i got distracted looking at my screenshot folder. u did a good job @gum

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pov you are a cool worm wriggling on the streets of old gridania. say hi to blushing too

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cant even play roblox on windows 7 anymore... literally 1984...

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drew my fursona in the drawing tool to compare with the fanart mimi and gum did

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i lost two rounds of chess in a row im gonna kill someone

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you liked my mutuals toot... and you didn't even like mine?! *my eyes turn red and I bare my teeth and snarl*

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!