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Just amazing. Every link blog that links to tweets now just link to a dumb interstitial (unless you happen to be logged in to Twitter on that particular browser — which, if you’re using, say, an RSS reader, you’re not. Or coming from elsewhere, you’re not).

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Slack embeds: broken. iMessage embeds: broken. Tweets now insanely less viral and thus, valued.

So fucking stupid.

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Since I'm seeing a new wave of people saying they plan to leave Twitter, you may like my browser tool that takes the zip file of your Twitter export and returns a zip file of a web site that lets people browse and your tweets. You can just upload the files wherever you normally host html and it'll work just fine.

Example archive:

they rescheduled my HRT appointment today which is kind of a bummer if i can't get a refill of my T for next week. but Alder is visiting so yay :)

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re: furry, not sexual but not something you might want to show your boss 

@lucky omg this is so good. I'm in love!

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ICYMI, the world's largest hosting company GoDaddy disclosed to the SEC this week that a multi-year security compromise allowed attackers to steal company source code, customer and employee login credentials, and install malware that redirected customer websites to malicious sites.

What most coverage of this disclosure has overlooked is the reason for these repeated compromises: Successful voice phishing attacks against employees, where they pretend to be someone from IT, target new hires, and try to get them to log in at a phishing site that mimics the company's real employee portal.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!