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Repairable mobile phone 

Nokia has released an end-user repairable Android phone with five years of parts availability guaranteed. It will be even more appealing if it has an onlocked bootloader, even though it's rather larger than any phone I'd want to carry around.

re: Spiders, arachnophobia 

@paimonadrua this is a beautiful spider 🤩

@isystem ok he just hopped up on the bed and sat down on my ass so i think he's probably fine

@isystem i wish i could just find it annoying but my problem is that after his medical emergency a few weeks back i just. am constantly on alert and fearful...even if it's just the sound of him trying to scrounge around for 3am snacks

currently cannot sleep because Havelock (beloved feline) is batting a single crunchy kibble around on the small section of wood floor in our room. and grumbling and grumbling and mumbling

i could maybe do something disgusting and use Google sheets instead of a real database. because i don't expect to be processing a lot of data, at least not enough to ping as a "lot" to gsheets

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man i hate that enjin went the way of crypto, and shut down new website registrations, because i absolutely LOVED the ticketing system in the website builder and am constantly seething about its lack of presence in like.....any other website builder. i guess i just need to git gud and learn php :|

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I may become manic but i would so much prefer that over......this

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i may start taking my atomoxetine again and see what happens. (Inb4 it's "severe stomach pain" and "intense, uncontrollable sleepiness" again)

masto being so quiet makes me feel like i should post something of quality....but im so used to just scrolling that have nothing super interesting to say. hmmmmm

the IM T injections "worked" in that they like, functioned, but I became totally incapable of doing them myself to the point that doing an injection was an hours-long panic attack-inducing affair, which was pretty humbling >_> but it's been a few yrs and subq is a bit less intense is my hope, lol

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I'm hopeful that sub-q will work better for me than IM injections did. After a year of my extremely painful migraine med injections, I'm at least willing to try it! (The migraine med is effective, I am of the people for whom it is extremely horrible, both in pain and side effects haha)

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I have an appointment to get re-started on HRT on Wednesday. yay. I haven't been on it since I moved out of Seattle and I have been so down in the dumps about it, I'm beside myself with joy about getting it again

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The gender of the day is a murderous sphinx in a hunt.

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exciting news for human headed dogs like me on #SecondLife , MOR (the creator of the Hellhund body) has just come out with a neck fix to make this work better! Plus, using the neck (even making it transparent if you don't like the look) means you can wear bento / rigged ears on your human head again :D

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We can reduce homelessness if we follow the science on what works | New Scientist

Spoiler alert: the scientific solution to homelessness is providing more housing. Thank God for science.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!