shoutout to paypal for being the number one source of me having to accidentally learn my friends deadnames

Baby mourning doves already look a bit ridiculous, but soaking wet baby mourning doves are just- perfect.

why do I support right to repair? simple: i want to upload my own MIDI files to my washing machine to play when it finishes a cycle without voiding my warranty

@sarahzedig DON'T WORRY the white man is one of the Many Good Guys at the fucking CIA, which as we all know is an inherently good organization that just needs some Nice Guys in charge, not those Mean Guys they have now

@Kaminara i didn't even know that was part of the jaw and now i can't stop noticing it lmao

@sarahzedig god every picture of the PNW i see fills me with emotions i can't describe. and i've never even been there i'm from the midwest!

@Kaminara posts that make me subconsciously start feeling along my jawline

this is a terrible joke, i should be killed 


@sarahzedig scientists predict that by the year 2030 there will only be five movies left to be remade and rebooted infinitely hiπŸ˜³β€‹/10

Struggled so much with this one I refuse to polish it any further

12/100 #pixelart

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!