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Helping a friend set up an in-character FFXIV instance on This could be fun More fuel for your ambitions

Temia boosted

a final hot take for tonight:
slimness in tech is highly overrated and expensive stuff should be repairable for as long as possible

(and also all other stuff tbh, but whatever. if i pay a lot for a device, i expect to be allowed to do with it what i want.)

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Temia boosted

@mavica I think I know someone who goes on Taps, want me to ask them?

Me: zzz
Clementine: now playing Possessed by Disease

Thought: is an otherwise compelling storyline told in an eroge visual novel lewdonarrative dissonance

Temia boosted

@Nine Apparently fairies can throw acorns pretty far. *writes down in encounter notes*

Good morning, world. Has everyone gotten the smash out of their system yet?

Dammit, I just made this meme and everyone's going apeshit over the direct! Could your timing have been any worse? D:

Temia boosted

In your quest for caffeination, you tilted the piston just enough and janked the physics engine up, turning everything in a 10km radius into rubble. Better reload from your last autosave.

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Signs you've been playing too much Space Engineers:
you look at your aeropress like it's a force of terrible destructive power

Temia boosted

Please stop fucking sharing that "white people learning Spanish is cultural appropriation" image it's very clearly either an out of context troll or a fake flag so people feel justified to crap on the concept of cultural appropriation and you're all fucking falling into it

@Siphonay I want to assume incompetence over malice with this post, seeing as how I've met some incredibly stupid people who probably wouldn't be able to point to Spain on a map, but...

oof. and doubly oof for everyone who shares it unknowingly.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!