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The mate tea I just have tried also smells of Llamas / goats. (Or I'm biased.) 😍

Fun fact: these Amaranth seeds smell of Llamas 🦙 when they're watered ❤️

Looking for recommendation – which alternative social network or instance, if Fediverse, would you recommend for an open-source/commercial project that was previously on Twitter?

Ars flunderiensis = die Kunst, sich wie eine Flunder an die Zugwand zu pressen, um Leute vorbeizulassen

Missing negative stars on Masto. I'm not a positive person (although I'd like to be one and perhaps would be one in a fictional universe with a fictional life).

Ich darf so und so nicht Blut spenden.... (für andere zu schlecht, aber für mich muss mein Blut reichen...)

Being at Ars Electronica with a friend finally inspired me to experiment with neuronal networks (I had and still have an aversion against AI, although I find machine learning technically interesting and there are certainly good applications). Perceptilabs is really cool.

Cisco has just released a new switch firmware and they have fixed an (energy-saving related) bug that I had reported 😀​

Wäsche nach dem Waschen anziehen bevor sie trocken ist

Ok diese Heim-Dinger scheinen schon zu funktionieren, aber erst beim dritten Versuch (und nur im Rachen, Nase war 2x falsch-negativ). Plus 1x falsch-negativer PCR aus der Teststraße. Vlt wirkt auch einfach die Schlumpfung zu gut.

Is there any alternative to Spotify that runs on desktop Linux? I couldn't find one.

So, Pflicht erledigt, 💉💉💉. Und das wars jetzt. Impfabo nein danke.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!